2001 Ford Ranger AUTO
Email Dealer
Email Dealer
Vehicle Details
- 2001 Ford Ranger
- Price: $12,990
- Mileage: 134,840
- Body Style: Pickup Truck
- Color: Red
- Fuel Type: Unspecified
- Transmission: Automatic
- Stock #: P9273A
- VIN: 1FTZR15EX1PB11266
Vehicle Features
- Performance@Part Time 4WD~Interior@Cloth Upholstery~Interior@Front air conditioning~Interior@Split-bench Front seat~Interior@Jumpseats Rear seat~Interior@Power steering~Interior@Center console~Safety and Security@4-wheel ABS~Safety and Security@Alarm Anti-theft system~Safety and Security@Dual Front airbags~Safety and Security@Power brakes~Entertainment and Technology@AM/FM Radio~Exterior@Intermittent Front wipers
27091 Gayle Avenue
Tea, SD, 57064
(605) 498-2277